No More Handstands?
People are often surprised to find out that I was a rugby player throughout my college career. Yoga and rugby, the ultimate combo, right?...

An American Yogi In India
Breathe in. Breathe out. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? The intuitive, gentle act of breathing should be so easy to do. Flashback to 18...

Yoga and Your Potential?
"Discover the secret to move beyond your earlier and deepest woundings and step into your true purpose and greatest joy." This was a...

September is right around the corner. It is a time of transitions, a time of new beginnings often even more than those that come January...

The New Yoga "Catch Phrase"
Decades ago when I began my yoga journey and experimenting with various styles and disciplines of yoga, there was always one constant...

Chaturanga Dandasana : The Controversy
If you practice yoga, chances are you have done chaturanga dandasana, or 4 limbed staff pose. Chances are even greater that the first...

Confessions of A Yoga Teacher: I Don't Like Yoga
Shocking right? Well, let me rephrase that, I don't like yoga at the moment. Like any long term relationship, we go through periods...

Secrets to Being a Great Yoga Teacher
After having taught thousands of class in the last 15 years I think I've finally figured out the two most important things needed in...

On Being A Yoga Teacher
Its such a glamorous job. I exercise all day, I get to do yoga constantly. I can wear only workout clothing. It seems really easy and I...

Welcome to my Blog!
Welcome to my first "official" blog post. Thanks for reading. To be honest, deciding to write a blog and actually sitting down to write...